How to Use Credit Card Wisely ? ; 10 Tips

Posted by admin on Dec 23, 2010

A credit card may give some benefits to our personal financial planning, such as being able to have emergency money, or not having to carry large sums of cash when we pay a lot of money.

Below are lists of 10 tips for a good use of your credit card to avoid problems with your card. That if the credit card itself is not a problem, problems can arise by misuse the card.

Before hiring

1. Compare between the different cards. Not all cost or offers are the same. Choose the one that suits your ability to pay and try to have only the necessary.

2. Find out about interest rates, fees, total annual costs (TAC), a backup in case of theft or loss, related insurance, benefits and responsibilities.

3. Before signing, read your contract. Clarify any questions with the adviser. Remember that the bank must give you a brochure along with your contract to the delivery of the plastic.

If you already have

4. Use it to ease your payments or to cover emergencies or unexpected events. The credit card is a great help, if you use it within your budget and approved credit line.

5. Do not consider extra money to spend above your means. If you start to use it to your daily intake, you can collect a debt that later will be difficult to pay.

6. Covers your payments on time. Every time you not paying on time, your debt will increases and can result a negative record on your credit history. To reduce your balances.

7. Pay above the minimum monthly payment specified in the statement to reduce the amount and term of your debt, and maintain control.

8. You can consolidate your debts on the card that offers the lowest interest rate. If you have payment problems, leave it to use.

9. Cancel the debts before the due date (which is specified in the statement). And thus will avoid us of being charged for more interest or surcharge for not paying on time.


10. Always check your statement. Keep your receipts. So it is advisable to get into the habit of always thoroughly review the statements of your credit cards. Ensuring that the beginning balance matches the closing balance of previous statement and that the expenses reported are actually the costs that we performed. In case of errors or abuse must immediately notify the financial institution. Lost or stolen, report it immediately.

Finally, we must always protect our personal information and prevent theft or cloned our card.

To do this, we should avoid providing information on our credit card by phone or, if shopping online, keep them in objectionable sites or that we do not generate sufficient confidence.

Put your comments below for any opinion. Happy investing :)

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