How to compare auto insurance quotes and save money?

Posted by admin on May 27, 2011

Continuing last article about comparing car insurance quotes, below are steps you can do when comparing auto insurance for financial planning:

1. First, understand what the different levels of coverage. The most common types of car insurance are liability, collision, personal injury, and complete. If you drive a lot or a unit of frequency on the roads, you must obtain coverage for bodily injury.

The minimum level of coverage you need varies by state. Visit the website of your state department of transportation to meet the requirements.

2. Know that your insurance rates are affected by age, sex, marital status, employment or school status, driving record, and the condition of your vehicle. Try to improve what we can so that you can benefit from discounts. Get your car inspected too.

3. Also understand what a "deductible" is. The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before insurance covers the rest. For example, if you chose a $ 500 deductible on your policy, and have a value of $ 900 damages, then you would pay $ 500 and the insurance company would pay $ 400. The deductible you choose greatly affects your auto insurance rates.

4. After considering all these factors, start collecting quotes from different insurance companies. Most web sites have forms where you can enter the make / model / year of your car, the deductible you want, and then spit out a web page value for your premium. We also know that the higher the deductible you choose, the lower your premium.

5. If your car is going to depreciate quickly but have several more years of payments to be made, should also compare the prices of non-coverage. GAP coverage will cover the "gap" between what the car is actually worth and what still needs that in the event that your vehicle is totaled. If you are not at high risk for a total of your vehicle, you can find a good price.

6. Make a list of options three or four that are best for you. Then call the insurance company and ask about discounts for good driving future history. Some insurance companies will lower their charges of make no claim during the first year under the policy.

7. Once you decide on the best policy, sign and pay the first premium. You should always keep your eyes open for a better deal, even if you already have insurance.

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