5 category of shopaholic

Posted by admin on Jul 27, 2012

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Do you like shopping, as a hobby? Be careful you get a shopaholic addiction symptoms that could endanger your personal financial. Before spending too far, look first for these 5 shopaholic symptoms as follows:

1. Not having a plan when shopping.
Indeed, shopping also need a plan. There are several points that must be considered, such as: Where do you want to shop? What item you want to buy? Then, prepare the funds! Write it on a piece of paper or your hand phone. Those who do not have a plan would only buy items based on desirable products. But then they regret having bought these items. Plan your shopping, and shop as planned.

2. Shopping using credit cards and do not have the cash to pay bills.
Do not buy things using credit cards if you do not have the money to pay off when the bill arrives. Credit card is used for an emergency situation such as illness and to avoid the risk of carrying cash money in your wallet. Please remember, do not be tempted to swipe your card whatever the reason.

3. Shopping without money in hand.
This type of shopper will do shopping with the assumption that later he would pay using the yearly bonus, the inheritance, or whatever the money that currently not on hand. This type of shopper will lose the future, because he was taking his future and used today. Do not spend if you do not have the money at this time. Delay until you have it on hand.

4. Sale addict.
Everywhere we go, there's always the word 'SALE', 'Discounts’, '20% up to 70%'. This type will be very easy to be deluded by only a word: "SALE". It will not take long, this type of shopper will immediately step on the gas and shopping. They can stand for long in the shopping mall, a full day just to look around for stuff that he do not know. Psst, buying the ‘SALE product’ will not make you rich.

5. Using the saving money to do shopping.
The money for shopping should have been prepared in monthly expenditure budget or entertainment/leisure budget. It is not recommended to use money from another post/budget, especially insurance money and saving, to pay your shopping. If you do not have any more money to spend, which is not scheduled, try to postpone and schedule it for the next month.

Before shopping for monthly household or another needs, make a list of items to be purchased on a piece of paper and bring some money enough to pay the list. Financial planning is important. If it is not planned or allocated, it means that you do not need to shop.

[image taken from: shereentravelscheap.blogspot.com]

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