Shopping Account, Family's Financial Solution

Posted by admin on Jun 21, 2009

Regardless of which have become habit will be difficult to stopped. Likewise with your shopping hobby. Moreover, if the source of the funds take a share of the household budget, such as children school fees or other savings. As one solution, it is recommended to have a shopping account. Shopping account is a saving account specifically for the shop. Separate income in posts that surely spend each month such as the school budget, and other kitchen needs. Then separate again for the rest of it, whether 30 percent or 40 percent for shopping purpose. That shopping account used to shop.

In addition, financial problems are often triggered to become husband and wife quarreling. That is why honesty and openness is the key to manage the financial. Both the husband or wife must know each other need and expenses. Maybe husband will also get a headache if spending money reported is never enough. Maybe wife also giving reasons that prices continue to increase so the shopping budgeted is never enough. If you don't searching solution for the main problem plainly, the problem will never be finished. So it is very recommended that every family have a written financial reports, especially for families who do not skilled in financial managing.

It is better to make a list of family income and expenditure in detail. Expenditure or any income, even it is small amount, should be written. So it will help to find out what kind of expenditure have biggest portion, whether in children education, or the cost of kitchen needs. Personal expenditure should also be separated each between husband or wife private needs. So, the solution can be made to solve your family financial problem wisely

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