Shopping Tips in Relevance of Income

Posted by admin on Jun 23, 2009

Currently, there are lot of facilities and for everyone to wreak their desire in shopping and debiting. And also credit cards offering with an easy to obtain. For those who can not brake spending habits, it is better to hold a debit card than a credit card. With a note, take a debit card from a shopping account or debit account with the lowest balance of your financial.

There are a few suggestions that can be a guide in managing your money so you are expected to be free from debt.

1. Distinction Needs vs Wants

Needs are limited. Meanwhile, the desire is not limited. The desire to encourage us to go in debt twist. Therefore have to pay first what your life needs now and the future. That way you know how much money should be spent . Purchase items that are needed than desired

2. Do not discount tempted

Many people are happy with the purchase discount (impulse buying) because it can save the dollar. In fact the only savings from the discount shopping goods when we buy goods from the beginning that we really need.

3. 'Pay yourself first'

Metaphor that is often used in a variety of family finance book on how to use personal income. First, eliminate your 10% of the salary to pay for your hard work during the month. And then the rest is allocated to pay for the regular monthly needs. Manage your earnings.

4. Create a spending plan

A spending plan is to allocate funds received for the various needs of families in a particular month. Expenditure of financial planning should consider both the income received each month, the amount of debt that will mature, for long-term savings, such as pension funds and the allocation of funds for emergencies.

For all of those tips above, it could be summarize that the most important is the commitment and maintain of financial discipline.

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