How to Save Money and Avoid Temptations

Posted by admin on Oct 19, 2010

We have a limitation in having money, while temptations out there are so many. Just walk out your door then you will find them :) The important thing is the ability to separate your needs and desire. Surely we have to fulfill our needs first before satisfying our desire. A comprehensive personal financial planning would be needed. Budget management, investment knowledge and debt calculation are also important. Saving money and financial management is very crucial in one's life. Many people have a hard time saving money even if it is for their own good. Money is very important in order to survive in this world but only a few people know how to manage their household budget properly.

Most of the time, you may be motivated to save money but there are times when temptations come your way and before you know it, you have already spent the amount that was supposed to be added to your savings account. Then could be highly affected to your personal financial planning. Here are some helpful tips on how you can avoid temptations and be able to save money:

1. Try hard to avoid those things that keep you from saving. If you are fond of buying shoes even if you don't really need them, try very hard to stay away from them. Keep yourself away from shoe stores so that you will not be tempted to buy one. Avoid for impulse spending.

2. When going to grocery stores. Always bring the exact amount and bring with you a grocery list. If you have limited money in your pocket when in grocery stores, you will be forced to buy only those important things that you need. Preparing a grocery list will also help you get organized and will help you in deciding the things that need to be prioritized.

3. Go to the malls only when needed. Do not go shopping if you do not need anything important to buy. Window-shopping will only tempt you to buy the dress you saw in the boutique even if you don't really need it. Usually this is very hard to do for one who have a shopping hobby like a girl/woman, they love mall so much :)

4. Do not bring with you your credit cards all the time. Having a credit card in your pocket will only tempt you to buy things that are not necessary. This will also help you lower your balances and have a good credit score.

Creating a shopping account also may helpful for saving money. Money will be managed well and separated well in its portions. Especially for a family, saving money is very important. Once you as a wage earner can't save money, it will defect the other family member. So we could be more wise in managing our personal financial planning.

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