Effective Ways to Manage Financial In Early Career

Posted by admin on Oct 10, 2011

Here are a few tips on How to Effectively Manage Finance in the Early Career. For college graduates or fresh graduates, get a job after trying dozens of times to send a job application letter must be a pride and great satisfaction. Fiery spirit was shown in early work. And when it comes the time to receive a salary at the end of the month or the beginning of the month, getting the first salary is to be something that is highly awaited.

But quite a lot of novice workers consider the first paycheck is a "golden ticket" to have fun. Without precise calculations and financial planning, by the middle of the month, there was no cash left to continue the day. Supposedly, it can be anticipated from the beginning so that in the middle of the month you still have enough money in your pockets.

So, when the first paycheck in hand, you should immediately determine financial priorities. Monthly expenses like housing costs or apartment rents would get first allocation. Next is a routine expense like the cost of daily meals and transportation costs. If necessary, make essential items for expenditure, for example, groceries, transportation money, and other household purposes.

Saving is also need to do at the beginning of a payday. Suppose that saving is a deposit that must be done routinely. If you have not been able to save in large amounts, you could allocate 10 percent of total salary.

It is nothing wrong also if you set up a private pension fund, although the company or institution where you work also has already accommodate your pension fund. You also need to set aside an unexpected fund or emergency fund. For example, the medical expenses to the hospital and charity for victims of natural disasters.

To prevent the waste of money, it is good to keep your credit card in order not to make you tempted to shop. Use your credit cards only in times of emergency.

If the amount of your savings has reached a certain number, you can try to start investing in stocks, mutual funds, unit links, or other investments. The rest of it, you can utilize the remaining salary to personal needs and please yourself.

In order to effectively perform financial management and personal financial planning, you need to do it with discipline. No need to make savings too tight and 'tighten your belts'. As long as you consider the financial from the beginning, surely there would be no financial problem that facing ahead in the future.

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