Prepare your holiday!

Posted by admin on Nov 24, 2011

Entering the last months at the end of the year, such as October and November, some people have started to prepare plans and a desire to take a long vacation. People are preparing to spending time on Christmas holidays and New Year holidays.

After working hard for a full year without stopping, it is your right to plan a vacation at the end of the year. Of course, the obligation that you must be prepared from now on is to provide the funds needed for vacation. With a good preparation, holiday will run smoothly, memorable, and fun, both for you and your family members.

Well, now is the perfect time to discuss your vacation preparation especially the financial planning.

The first thing has to consider is the location or vacation destination. Understandably, a vacation spot will affect the amount of expenditure and funding needs for your holiday.

Some people or families want to spend vacation time abroad. While some people chose a more modest vacation destination, as in the country or even just in the city. Therefore, specify your vacation destination first so your preparation for funds can be made optimally.

There are some people who want a vacation is more personal. Well, if you are planning to travel by yourself, you should plan all the details of the vacation itself. Start to look for tickets, such as airplanes or trains, and also other accommodations such as lodging at the destination. You also have to define your own place to be visited during the holidays.

While if you don't have enough time to prepare it yourself, you can take advantage of the package deals provided by some travel agency. They usually provide a package based on the destination and the holiday period. You only need to prepare some of the costs that are not covered by the package, such as cost for shopping souvenirs, transportation cost (taxi or bus when exploring destination).

Also, before leaving on vacation, you must prepare and make sure to have an emergency fund. Emergency fund is very important if you experience something unexpected. For example, when something happened to your car. In a situation like that, of course, you need cash immediately to pay car repair.

Prepare for life insurance and health insurance.

It is also important before you leave on vacation; buy a health insurance and life insurance. So, if something goes wrong that happens to you, all needs can be covered by insurance company.

During the vacation, you will surely spend a lot of money. Of course, it is impractical and unsafe if you have to bring all the money in the form of cash money. For security considerations, would be better if you prepare a variety of funds into the bank account that has a wide network of ATMs and debit payment.

If you have to do a transaction or payment using a credit card, make sure you pay off debts on time when returning from vacation. In addition, if you plan to use credit cards, make sure the card is accepted at all merchants.

Do not forget, if you plan to vacation abroad, report it to the issuing bank before departing so your transaction can go smoothly.

After enjoying a year-end holiday this year, your next job is to prepare the budget again for next year's vacation. The goal is that you can enjoy a vacation more memorable than the previous year.

Let us preparing our year-end holidays! Good luck!

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